Inter India Football Academy is the football academy that follows the IIFA model aimed at boys and girls whose objective is to provide students with integral training.We teach the player the basic concepts which enables them to deal successfully with sporting challenges in the future. While also teaching them the values that are so representative of Inter India Football Academy; respect, efforts, ambition, teamwork, humility, the same training methods are used by the youth teams at the club, which consist of a series of progressive and interrelated exercises, adapted to each training level or stage.
Under 5
Under 7
Under 9
Under 11
Under 13
Under 15
Under 17
Open Team 'B' (Reserve Team)
Open Team 'A' (Main Senior Team)
To provide a proper platform for the academy players to showcase their talent and skills.
Thorough football we work with determination and passion to inspire and generate a positive impact on society.
To be the best in our area of operation through innovation, transformation and modernization.
To consistently surpass your expectations through our improved learnings, methods and programs.
The Inter India Football Academy follows the same structure, operation, training sessions and methodology like every professional academy does.
All the coaches of the academy prepare good sessions to implement the technological training aspects throughout the entire season.
Sessions programs are planned with different weekly, trimester and yearly goals. The main objectives are to create an impact on player development and teach our players the skills and values for what it takes to become a professional on and off the field.
Individual promotion of the most talented players for national / international titles | Training and playing on the highest possible national / international level | Promotion of team - oriented players with a strong personality and will to win |
Promotion of high levels of professionalism | Integration of national / international trends and development | Development of a team structure and hierarchy |
Exemplary behavior and representation | Coordination of athletics as well as academic and vocational goals | Optimal regulation of individual training loads |